Today we start with a question that we didn't get to in last week's Q&A - Is it essential for the gospel to believe in the sinlessness of Jesus? 0:45 Then, it's on to your questions in the live chat: Is the baptism of the Holy Spirit a biblical concept? 11:40 Can a Christian be a freemason? 18:16 Is “Jesus plus good works” a damning heresy? 20:28 What are David Guzik’s thoughts on seminary? 24:47 Is hell eternal? 29:50 How can an unmarried man deal with sexual thoughts? 33:15 Did forgiveness of sins happen through Christ’s spiritual sufferings or His physical sufferings? 39:22 When will believers in the Millennium see the Judgment Seat of Christ? 41:55 Does James 5:16 mean that some prayers are not answered by God? 43:07 David mentions an audio message: A Danger Signal: Unanswered Prayer How does the Bible instruct us concerning worry and anxiety? 46:45 How can I help and support my suffering loved ones? 50:35 Is talking to God throughout the day as effective as kneeling and praying? 53:47 Is purgatory a second chance? 55:33 Is it biblical to give an honorarium to visiting pastors? 57:07

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